Dec 15

First ATD European Summit 2017 in Amsterdam

Yes, it is true: we have been waiting quite a while before being able to welcome ATD with their first summit in Europe!

But this week, it finally took place in Amsterdam and… it was really worth to go. Delegates joined from all European corners; I met professionals from Finland, Russia or Spain, to name just a few countries. Perfectly chaired by the Scottish ATD-Senior David Smith, we could follow and discuss thoughts, insights and case studies from more that 20 industry experts.

Let me share with you a few pics to give you an idea about the summit. And if you are interested in finding out more about Cisco’s now L&D approach, or you want to know who was brave enough to questioning the future need of leadership competencies models or what the word “employagility” means, please let me now.

Cheers Thilo

Lausanne, 14th of December 2017